Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Agriculture / Industrial Arts Education and My Role

Agriculture and Industrial Arts Education is special because some part of it can interest every student.  By being different from other subjects in that aspect, I believe that as Ag/Industrial Arts teachers we have an opportunity and duty to use our unique curriculum to install a passion for learning into our students.  Though we build engines, trailers, greenhouses, and more, I believe the greatest things that can be built in the shop are confidence, skills, values, hope, passion, and a knowledge that success lies in everyone.

I do not believe that my duty as a teacher is a light one.  To help students build the attributes mentioned, I will need to exert an enthusiastic and tireless effort in my preparation and in class.  Class needs to be fun, and students need to know that I am sincere and really care.  Other tools that must be utilised are the resources of knowledge that industry and community hold, by bringing in guest speakers, as well as involving them in the development of the program.  In Agriculture and Industry, methods and technology are continuously changing, and I owe it to the students to stay current and teach what will be applicable not obsolete.  These are only a few of a long list of duties, but the last I would like to focus on is accountability.  I will be accountable to students, parents, community, and administration, in ensuring that the program is running at capacity and that we are not losing any students out of the back. 

My fight is to bring a variety and a flexibility that can encompass each and every student, build their passion, and help them find a path and pattern for success.  

1 comment:

  1. that's very good Jo - something you may need to come back to from time to time.
    I believe you will be an amazing teacher and life coach.
    You're a good one. ❤
