Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Diesel Power

From the smell, to the chatter of the pistons, to the unstoppable power- I love diesel engines.  Whether they be in generators, ocean-liners, tractors, or thousands of other applications, diesel engines provide a reliable, efficient, brute-force power that benefits every life on earth.

I want to be a Diesel in my shop classroom.

Reliable- I want students, parents, faculty, and my community to have confidence that I will be able to run at maximum load, day in and day out.

Efficient- Resources are limited.  I will be efficient with use of resources, to bring my students as far as possible, particularly with the scarce resource of time.

Brute-Force Power- I will put forth an energetic effort to create and propel learning environments that will drive students to succeed as individuals.

Plus who doesn't get a bit of a smile when a diesel powers up?

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