Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Jesus Christ is the Master Teacher.  My cornerstone banner represents this in a way personal to me. 
  • At the top is my surname, a name that many great men have born and that I always want to represent well.  It means "dweller by the woods," denoting the industriousness of the family.
  • The Holt Family motto is then shown, "Exaltavit Humiles", which translates to, "He (God) hath exalted the humble."  The Saviour always taught powerfully, in utmost humility.
  • The Holt Family crest shows boldly our stand in Christianity (Cross and bars).  The colour (blue) represents loyalty to God and country.  The helmet I believe represents the readiness and ability to be called into action.  Atop the helmet sits a squirrel, which goes along with the name to show a closeness to nature and use of its' resources. 
  • Beneath the crest is a favourite quote for my Dad and me, from President Spencer W. Kimball.  I believe Christ followed that admonition in His life, and like Him I want to be quick to action, do the task right, and get the job done without procrastination.

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